Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Spiritual Combat by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli, is known as one of the greatest classics in ascetic theology. It is the book that I am currently reflecting on and discussing with a friend after the Daily  Rosary. This work may have been composed by a religious order than a sole writer. It was a favorite of St. Francis de Sales who carried it in his pocket for 18 years. It is said that Father Scupoli himself sent him a copy which he referred to as the "Golden Book". The Saint read it everyday "instructed to its supernatural and human wisdom the guidance of his soul". The purpose of this book saids the First Chapter is to lead the soul to the summit of  Spiritual Perfection and the reason it derived its title is because of the spiritual strategy contained in learning how to fight against our evil tendencies; for anyone trying to achieve and practice chastity this book is a must! The book can be read on numerous websites online. http://www.constantprayer.com/free-site/spiritualcombat/spiritual_combat.html

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